Anditya Rahardianto, Ph.D.
Pasadena, CA
PUBLICATION LISTS (with weblinks)
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Pasadena, CA
PUBLICATION LISTS (with weblinks)
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- Choi, J-Y, F. Kaufman, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Desupersaturation of RO concentrate and gypsum removal via seeded precipitation in a fluidized bed crystallizer, Water Research 190 (2021) 116766,
- A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, B.M. Khan, M. H. Plumlee, Real-Time RO Monitoring to Select Antiscalant Dose forAdvanced Treatment of Wastewater, AWWA Water Science 2 (2020) e1196, Topical Collection on Potable Water Reuse (2020),
- Kim, S., A. Rahardianto, J. Walker, T. Wolfe, K. Coleman, Y. Cohen, Upgrading Polyamide TFC BWRO and SWRO Membranes to Higher SWRO Membrane Performance via Surface Nano-Structuring with Tethered Poly(Acrylic Acid), Journal of Membrane Science (2019), Accepted
- Choi, J.Y., T. Lee, A. B. Aleidan, A. Rahardianto, M. Glickfeld, M. E. Kennedy, Y. Chen, P. Haase, C. Chen, Y. Cohen, Journal of Environmental Management 250 (2019) 109487.
- Lee, T.K., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Multi-cycle operation of semi-batch reverse osmosis (SBRO) desalination, Journal of Membrane Science 588 (2019) 117090.
- Lee, T.K., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Flexible Reverse Osmosis (FLERO), Desalination 452 (2019), 123-131.
- Gu, H., A. Rahardianto, L. Gao, X.P. Caro, J. Giralt, R. Rallo, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Fouling indicators for field monitoring the effectiveness of operational strategies of ultrafiltration as pretreatment for seawater desalination, Desalination 431 (2018), 86-99
- Y. Cohen, R. Semiat,A. Rahardianto, A perspective on reverse osmosis water desalination: Quest for sustainability, AIChE Journal, (2017), DOI: 10.1002/aic.15726
- J. Thompson, A. Rahardianto, S. Kim, M. Bilal, R. Breckenridge, Y. Cohen, Real-time direct detection of silica scaling on RO membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 528 (2017) 346-358.
- L.X. Gao, H. Gu, A. Rahardianto, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Self-adaptive cycle-to-cycle control of in-line coagulant dosing in ultrafiltration for pre-treatment of reverse osmosis feed water, Desalination, 401 (2017) 22-31.
- Gu, H., A. Rahardianto, L. Gao, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Ultrafiltration with Self-Generated RO Concentrate Pulse Backwash in a Novel Integrated Seawater Desalination UF-RO System, Journal of Membrane Science 520 (2016) 111-119
- Yu, Z.L.T., A. Rahardianto, M. Stenstrom, Y. Cohen, Performance and Economic Evaluation of a Modular Vertical-Flow Wetland for Onsite Residential Bathroom Graywater Treatment, Journal American Water Works Association 108 (2016), In Press.
- Surawanvijit, S, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, An Integrated approach for characterization of polyamide reverse osmosis membrane degradation due to exposure to free chlorine, Journal of Membrane Science, 510 (2016) 164.
- Gao, L., A. Rahardianto, H. Gu., P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Novel Design and Operational Control of Integrated Ultrafiltration - Reverse Osmosis System with RO Concentrate Backwash, Desalination 382 (2016) 43.
- Surawanvijit, S., J. Thompson, A. Rahardianto, V. Frenkel, Pulsed marker method for real-time detection of reverse osmosis membrane integrity loss, Desalination 370 (2015) 25-32.
- Gao, L., A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Energy-Optimal Control of RO Desalination, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53 (2014) 7409.
- Pascual, X., H. Gu, A.Bartman, A.Zhu, A. Rahardianto, J.Giralt, R. Rallo, P. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Fault Detection and Isolation in a Spiral-Wound Reverse Osmosis (RO) Desalination Plant, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53 (2014) 3257.
- Pascual, X., H. Gu, A.Bartman, A.Zhu, A. Rahardianto, J.Giralt, R. Rallo, P. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Data-driven models of steady state and transient operations of spiral-wound RO plant, Desalination 316 (2013) 154.
- Yu, Z.L.T., A. Rahardianto, J.R. DeShazo, M.K. Stenstrom, Y. Cohen, Critical Review: Regulatory Incentives and Impediments for Onsite Graywater Reuse in the United States, Water Environ. Res. 85 (2013) 650.
- Thompson, J. A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, M. Uchymiak, A. Bartman, M. Hedrick, D. Lara, J. Cooper, J. Faria, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Rapid Field Assessment of RO Desalination of Brackish Agricultural Drainage Water, Water Res. 47 (2013) 2649.
- McCool, B.C., A. Rahardianto, J.I. Faria, Y. Cohen, Evaluation of chemically-enhanced seeded precipitation of RO concentrate for high recovery desalting of high salinity brackish water, Desalination 317 (2013) 116.
- McCool, B.C., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Antiscalant removal in accelerated desupersaturation of RO concentrate via chemically-enhanced seeded precipitation (CESP), Water Res. 46 (2012) 4261.
- Gabelich, C., A. Rahardianto, C.R. Northrup, T.I. Yun, and Y. Cohen, Process evaluation of intermediate chemical demineralization for water recovery enhancement in production-scale brackish water desalting, Desalination 272 (2011) 36.
- McCool, B., A. Rahardianto, J. Faria, K. Kovac, D. Lara, Y. Cohen, Feasibility of reverse osmosis desalination of brackish agricultural drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley, Desalination 261 (2010) 240.
- Rahardianto, A., B. C. McCool, Y. Cohen, Accelerated Desupersaturation of Reverse Osmosis Concentrate by Chemically-Enhanced Seeded Precipitation, Desalination 264 (2010) 256.
- Zhu, A., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Reverse Osmosis Desalination with High Permeability Membranes - Cost Optimization and Research Needs, Desalin. Water Treat. 15 (2010) 256
- Kim, M-m., J. Au, A. Rahardianto, J. Glater, Y.Cohen, F.Gerringer, C.Gabelich, The impact of conventional water treatment coagulant on mineral scale in RO desalting of brackish water, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48 (2009) 3126
- Zach-Maor, A., R. Semiat, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, S. Wilson, and S.R. Gray, Diagnostic analysis of the technical feasibility of RO desalting of treated wastewater, Desalination 230 (2008) 239
- Rahardianto, A., B. McCool, Y. Cohen, RO desalting of inland brackish water of high gypsum scaling propensity: kinetics and mitigation of membrane mineral scaling, Environ. Sci. Technol. 42 (2008) 4292
- Rahardianto, A., J. Gao, C. J. Gabelich, M. D. Williams, and Y. Cohen, High recovery membrane desalting to low-salinity brackish water: integration of accelerated precipitation softening with membrane RO, J. Membr. Sci. 289 (2007) 123.
- Uchymiak, M., A. Rahardianto, E. Lyster, J. Glater and Y.Cohen, A novel RO ex situ scale observation detector (EXSOD) for mineral scale characterization and early detection, J. Membr. Sci. 291 (2007) 86
- Gabelich, C.J., M.D. Williams, A. Rahardianto, J.C. Franklin, and Y. Cohen, High-recovery reverse osmosis using intermediate chemical demineralization, J. Membr. Sci. 301 (2007) 131
- Shih, W.-Y., J. Gao, A. Rahardianto, J.Glater, Y.Cohen, and C.J.Gabelich, Ranking of antiscalant performance for gypsum scale suppression in the presence of residual aluminum, Desalination 196 (2006) 280
- Rahardianto, A., W.-Y. Shih, R.-W. Lee, and Y. Cohen, Diagnostic characterization of gypsum scale formation and control in RO desalination of brackish water, J. Membr. Sci. 279 (2006) 655
- Shih, W.-Y., A. Rahardianto, R.-W. Lee, and Y. Cohen, Morphometric characterization of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum) scale on reverse osmosis membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 252 (2005) 253
- Y. Cohen, J-Y Choi, A. Rahardianto, T. Fane, P. Macintosh, G. Leslie, "Water Reclamation, Remediation and Cleaner Production with Nanofiltration", In: A.I. Schäfer & A.G. Fane (Eds), Nanofiltration – Principles, Applications and New Materials, 2nd Edition, Ch. 11, Wiley-VCH, September 2020.
- Y. Cohen, B. McCool, A. Rahardianto, M-m. Kim, J. Faria, “Membrane Desalination of Agricultural Drainage Water”, In: A.C. Chang and D. Brawer Silva (eds.), Salinity and Drainage in San Joaquin Valley, California: Science, Technology, and Policy, Global Issues in Water Policy Volume 5, Ch. 12, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 2014 (DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6851-2_12)
- Gray, S., R. Semiat, M. Duke, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, "Seawater Use and Desalination Technology", In: P. Wilderer (Ed.), Treatise on Water Science Vol. 4, Ch. 77, Elsevier, February 2011.
- Rahardianto, A. and M. Bilal, Method and apparatus for real-time direct membrane monitoring, U.S. Patent No. 10,960,357 B2, March 30, 2021.
- Cohen, Y., A. Rahardianto, T. K. Lee, System and Method for Flexible Low-Energy Membrane-Based Liquid Purification, U.S. Patent No. 10,569,222 B2, February 20, 2020.
- Cohen, Y., P.D. Christofides, H. Gu, L. X. Gao, A. Rahardianto, Self-Adaptive Control and Optimization of Ultrafiltration, US Patent No. 10,576,428 B2, March 3, 2020.
- Cohen, Y., P.D. Christofides, A. Rahardianto, A.R. Bartman, A. Zhu, H. Gu, Apparatus, system, and method for integrated filtration and reverse osmosis desalination, US Patent No. 9,790,113 B2, October 17, 2017.
- A. Rahardianto and M. Bilal, Method and apparatus for real-time direct surface fouling and scale monitoring of heat transfer surfaces, PCT/US2020/024773 (2020).
- Cohen, Y., A. Rahardianto, Y. Kim, Overcoming Operating Pressure Barrier in High Recovery Membrane Desalination via Hybrid RO-NF Processes, Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program Report No. 197, US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, December 2019 (
- Cohen, Y., A. Rahardianto, T.K. Lee, Autonomous Low Energy Consumption Cyclic Desalination Systems, Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program Report No. 179, US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, August
2017 ( - Cohen, Y., A. Rahardianto, P. D. Christofides, J. F. Thompson, L. Gao, Pilot-Scale Evaluation of High Recovery Desalination of Agricultural Drainage Water with Smart Integrated Membrane Systems (SIMS), Desalination and Water Purification Research and
Development Program Report No. 173, US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, June 2016 ( - Frenkel, V., Y. Cohen, A. Rahardianto, J. Thompson, S. Surawanvijit, New Techniques for Real-Time Monitoring of Membrane Integrity for Virus Removal: Pulsed-Marker Membrane Integrity Monitoring System, WateReuse Research Foundation, Project WRF-09-06b, May 2013. (
integrity-for-virus-removal-pulsed-marker-membrane-integrity-monitoringsystem) - Cohen, Y., B. C. McCool, A. Rahardianto and E. M. Lyster, Integration of Accelerated Seeded Crystallization Precipitation for Enhanced Water Recovery in Low-pressure Membrane Desalination of Brackish Water, Final Report prepared for Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, under the Desalination Research and Innovation Partnership IV, USEPA, Federal Grant Assistance no. XP-96992301, January 7, 2011.
- Rahardianto, A., Real-time membrane monitoring of membrane-based RO and NF desalination operations, Lunch & Learn at Carollo Engineers, Phoenix, AZ (2019).
- Rahardianto, A., Mineral scale formation and dissolution in RO operations, South West Membrane Operators Association (SWMOA) Technology Transfer Online, MF/UF & RO Water Reclamation Operations, December 8, 2020.
- Rahardianto, A., B. Khan, S. Cohen, Y. Cohen, H. Gu, M. Plumlee, Improving RO Treatment Operations with Direct Online Membrane Fouling Detection, 2020 WateReuse California Virtual Conference, June 24-25, 2020
- Rahardianto, A., Y. Cohen, Y. Kim, T. Lee, M Bilal, Mineral scale formation and dissolution in RO operation in cyclic modes of operation, North American Membrane Society 2020, Online Annual Meeting, May 18th-21st, 2020
- Chen, Y., S. Kim, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Surface Nano-structuring with Hydrophilic Polymer Brush Layers for Membrane Performance Tailoring and Optimization, North American Membrane Society Annual Meeting, May 11-15, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Kim, Y., A. Rahardianto, T. Lee, Y. Cohen, RO Mineral Scale Mitigation via Self-Adaptive Feed-Flow Reversal, North American Membrane Society Annual Meeting, May 11-15, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Choi, J.Y., A. Aleidan, Y. Chen, A. Rahardianto, M. Glickfeld, Y. Cohen, RO Denitrification and Desalting of Impaired Brackish Water in Remote Communities, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2018, Pittsburg, PA.
- Kim, S., Y. Chen, S. Zha, A. Rahardianto, Surface Nano-Structuring with Hydrophilic Polymer Brush Layers for Tailored Performance of Fouling Resistant RO and UF Membranes, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2018, Pittsburg, PA.
- Lee, T.K., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Membrane Mineral Scaling in Semi-Batch and Steady State Reverse Osmosis Desalination - a Comparative Study, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2018, Pittsburg, PA.
- Zha, S., S. Kim, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Scale up of Synthesis Seawater Reverse Osmosis Membranes with Surface NanoStructured Hydrophilic Polymer Brush Layers, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, June 9-13, 2018, Lexington, KY.
- Lee, T.K., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Impact of Intermittent Feed Water Flushing on Surface Mineral Scaling during Semi-Batch Reverse Osmosis Operation, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, June 9-13, 2018, Lexington, KY.
- Cohen, Y., A. Rahardianto, P. Christofides, Field Pilot-Testing of Self-Adaptive Brackish Water Desalination System for Agricultural Drainage Water Desalination, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, June 9-13, 2018, Lexington, KY.
- A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Overcoming Operating Pressure Barrier in High Recovery Membrane Desalination Via Hybrid RO-NF, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2017, Minneapolis, MN.
- T. Lee , Y. Cohen, A. Rahardianto, Application of Semi-Batch Reverse Osmosis (RO) Operation for Water Purification in Small Communities, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2017, Minneapolis, MN.
- S. Kim , J. Zhang , A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Scale up of RO and UF Membrane Surface Nano-Structuring with Hydrophilic Polymer Brush Layers - Evaluation of Uniformity of Membrane Performance, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2017, Minneapolis, MN.
- J.Y. Choi, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Salt Harvesting of Reverse Osmosis Concentrate By Continuous Chemically-Enhanced Seeded Precipitation, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2017, Minneapolis, MN.
- J.Y. Choi, T. Lee, A. Rahardianto, M. Glickfeld, Y. Cohen, High recovery RO treatment of brackish groundwater for nitrate removal and salinity reduction, 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Jul. 29- Aug. 4, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- S. Kim, J. Zhang, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Synthesis scale up of high performance RO and UF membranes with responsive hydrophilic brush layers, 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Jul. 29- Aug. 4, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- Y. Cohen, J., Thompson, A. Rahardianto, Kinetics and real time detection of silica scaling on RO membranes, 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Jul. 29- Aug. 4, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- L.X. Gao, A. Rahardianto, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Real-time conrol of energy-optimal operation of two-stage RO desalination, 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Jul. 29- Aug. 4, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
- A. Rahardianto, T. K. Lee, Y. Cohen, On the Operational Flexibility of Process Systems for Membrane-Based Water Treatment and Desalination, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
- H. Gu, A. Rahardianto, L. Gao, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Self-Generated RO Concentrate Pulse Backwash of Ultrafiltration Module in an Integrated Seawater Desalination UF-RO Pilot Plant, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
- L. Gao, H. Gu, A. Rahardianto, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Optimization of UF Backwash with Real-Time Control of Coagulant Dosing, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
- T. Lee, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Flexible and Low-Energy Approach for RO Desalination, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
- Y. Cohen, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, L. Gao, P.D. Christofides, Self-Adaptive Water Treatment and Desalination of Source Water of Variable Feed Quality, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
- L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Optimized Ultrafiltration Backwash with Real-Time Control of Coagulant Dosing, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, May 21 - 25, 2016, Bellevue, WA.
- H. Gu, L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Real-Time Fouling Monitoring and Characterization for Effective Operational Control of Ultrafiltration As Pretreatment for Seawater Desalination, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, May 21 - 25, 2016, Bellevue, WA.
- T. Lee, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Small Flexible Reverse Osmosis System for Off-GRID Water Purification and Desalination, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, May 21 - 25, 2016, Bellevue, WA.
- A. Rahardianto, S. Surawanvijit, Y. Cohen, Membrane Integrity Monitoring in Multi-Element Spiral-Wound RO/NF Plant, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 8-13 2015, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Y. Cohen, J. Thompson, M. Bilal, A. Rahardianto, L. Gao, P.D. Christofides, Real Time Monitoring of Membrane Mineral Scaling and Application to RO Plant Optimization, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 8-13 2015, Salt Lake City, UT.
- L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, Y. Cohen, P. D. Christofides, Self-Adaptive Ultrafiltration with Optimal Coagulant Dosing, Nov. 8-13 2015, Salt Lake City, UT.
- A. Rahardianto, S. Surawanvijit, V. Frenkel, Y. Cohen, A Pulsed Marker Method for Reverse Osmosis Membrane Integrity Monitoring, IDA World Congress 2015, Aug 31-Sept 4 2015, San Diego, CA.
- L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, Y. Cohen, P. D. Christofides, Novel Design and Operational Control of Integrated Ultrafiltration – Reverse Osmosis System with RO Concentrate Backwash, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, May 30 – June 3, 2015, Boston, MA.
- L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Direct Integration of RO Desalination and UF Pre-Treatment with RO Concentrate Backwash, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-21 2014, Atlanta, GA.
- X. Pascual, H. Gu, A. Bartman, R. Zhu, A. Rahardianto, J. Giralt, R. Rallo, P. D. Christofides, and Y. Cohen, A Novel Approach to Fault Detection and Isolation in a Spiral-Wound RO Desalination Plant, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, May 31-Jun 4, 2014, Houston, TX.
- L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, P. D. Christofides, and Y. Cohen, Energy-Optimal Control of an RO Seawater Desalination Plant, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, May 31-Jun 4, 2014, Houston, TX.
- Yu, Z.L.T., A. Rahardianto, J.R. DeShazo, M.K. Stenstrom, Performance Evaluation of a Low Cost and High Rate Vertical Flow Wetland for Residential Graywater Treatment and Reuse, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- Surawanvijit, S., J. Thompson, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, V. Frenkel, A Molecular Marker Approach for Characterization of RO Membranes and Solute Transport in Spiral-Wound RO Membrane Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, H. Gu, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Energy-Optimal Control of An Integrated UF-RO Seawater Desalination Plant, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- H. Gu, L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Novel System and Field Characterization of Self-Adaptive UF-RO Membrane Desalination of Coastal Seawater, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- Thompson, J. F., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Real-Time Monitoring Approach and System for Early Detection and Characterization of RO Membrane Fouling, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- Rahardianto, A., B. C. McCool, J. Faria, Y. Cohen, Evaluation of RO Concentrate Treatment for High Recovery Desalting of High Salinity Inland Brackish Water, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- Lopilato, J., A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Reverse Osmosis Specific Energy (ROSE) Analysis Tool, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-8, 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- Rahardianto, A. and Y. Cohen, Experience in Desalinating Agricultural Brackish Water on Westside of Joaquin Valley, Central Valley Salinity Conference: Advances in Salinity Research and Management, Nov. 15-16, 2012, Sacramento, CA.
- Rahardianto, A., H. Gu, L. Gao, J. Thompson, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Cooling Tower Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 28 - Nov. 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Rahardianto, A., H. Gu, L. Gao, J. Thompson, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Cooling Tower Wastewater Recycling with Smart Integrated Membrane System, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference, Oct 14-17, 2012, Los Angeles, CA.
- L. Gao, H. Gu, A. Rahardianto, P. D. Christofides and Y. Cohen, Real-Time Operation and Control of Integrated Ultrafiltration-Reverse Osmosis Membrane Desalination System, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 28 - Nov. 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Gu, H., L. Gao, A. Rahardianto, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Self-Adaptive Operation of Ultrafiltration (UF)/Reverse Osmosis (RO) System for Desalination of Brackish Water and Coastal Seawater, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 28 - Nov. 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Surawanvijit, S., J. Thompson, A. Rahardianto, V. Frenkel, Y. Cohen, A Molecular Marker Approach for Real-Time Characterization of RO Membrane Integrity, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 28 - Nov. 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Rahardianto, A., H. Gu, L. Gao, J. Thompson, P.D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Cooling Tower Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 28 - Nov. 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Gu, H., L. Gao , A. Rahardianto, M. Heijnen, P. Berg, J. Wunram, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Self-Adaptive Integrated Ultrafiltration (UF)/Reverse Osmosis (RO) Desalination System, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, Jun 9-13, 2012, New Orleans, LA.
- Surawanvijit, S., J. Thompson, A. Rahardianto, V. Frenkel, Y. Cohen, A Molecular Marker Approach for Characterization of RO Membrane and Module Solute Transport, North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, Jun 9-13, 2012, New Orleans, LA.
- Pascual, X., H. Gu, A. Bartman, A. Zhu, A. Rahardianto, J. Giralt, R. Rallo, J. Ferrer-Giné, F. Giralt and Y. Cohen, Dynamic Data-Driven Models of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 16-21, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
- Pascual, X., H. Gu, A. Bartman, A. Zhu, A. Rahardianto, J. Giralt, R. Rallo, J. Ferrer-Giné, F. Giralt and Y. Cohen, Rapid Prototyping of Reverse Osmosis Processes Using Data-Driven Models, Cooling Tower Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct 28 - Nov. 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Rahardianto, A., The role of brine management in the optimization of brackish water desalting with high- permeability membranes, American Membrane Technology Association 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, July 12-15, 2010, San Diego, CA.
- Zhu, A., A. Rahardianto, P. D. Christofides, Y. Cohen, Minimization of RO Desalination Cost: Considerations of Membrane Permeability and Feed Salinity Variations, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 8-13, 2009, Nashville, TN.
- A. Bartman, J. Thompson, A. Rahardianto, Han Gu, B.C. McCool, A. Zhu, M. Uchymiak, Y. Lam, P. D. Christofides, W. J. Kaiser and Y. Cohen, A Novel Approach and System for Rapid Field Evaluation of Water Desalination, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 8-13, 2009, Nashville, TN.
- Gu, H., M. Uchymiak, A. Bartman, A. Rahardianto, P.D. Christofides, W.J. Kaiser, Y. Cohen, Rapid Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane Performance Analysis Using An Autonomous RO Desalination System, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 8-13, 2009, Nashville, TN.
- B. C. McCool, A. Rahardianto, Y. Cohen, Field demonstration of brine demineralization for high recovery RO Desalination, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 8-13, 2009, Nashville, TN.
- Rahardianto, A., High Recovery Desalination of Brackish Water, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA.
- Rahardianto, A., B. McCool, and Y. Cohen, Kinetics of Mineral Precipitation and Organics Removal In Brackish Water, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA.
- B. McCool, Rahardianto, A., and Y. Cohen, Accelerated demineralization of reverse osmosis concentrate of high gypsum scaling propensity, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA.
- Rahardianto, A., B. McCool, and Y. Cohen, High recovery inland water desalination via RO integrated with accelerated chemical demineralization – laboratory and pilot studies, AWWA, CA-NV Section Spring Conference, Apr. 21-24, 2008, Hollywood, CA.
- Rahardianto, A., B. McCool, M. Uchymiak, Y. Cohen, RO Membrane desalination of inland brackish water: scaling by gypsum in the presence of bicarbonate, NAMS Annual Meeting, May 12-16, 2007, Orlando, FL.
- Au, J., A. Rahardianto, M-m Kim, A. Rahardianto, E. Lyster, Y. Cohen, Kinetics of RO membrane scaling in the presence of antiscalants, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 4-6, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Rahardianto, A., M. Uchymiak, and Y. Cohen, Mixed mineral scale formation in low-pressure reverse osmosis Membrane, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 12-17, 2006, San Francisco, CA.
- McCool, B.C., A. Rahardianto, S. Rezvani, Y. Cohen, Technical and Economic Feasibility of Reverse Osmosis Reclamation of Agricultural Drainage Water in the San Joaquin Valley, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 12-17, 2006, San Francisco, CA.
- Rahardianto, A., B. McCool, S. Rezvani, and Y. Cohen, High recovery desalination of agricultural drainage water: integration of accelerated seeded precipitation with RO membrane desalination, AWWA, CA-NV Section Spring Conference, Apr. 24-28, 2006, Burlingame, CA.
- Uchymiak, M., A. Rahardianto, E. Lyster, J. Glater and Y. Cohen, An on-Line Study of Progressive Ro Membrane Mineral Scaling by Time-Lapse Photo Microscopy, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2005, Cincinnati, OH.
- Lyster, E., A. Rahardianto, M. Uchymiak, Y. Cohen, A Predictive Numerical Model for Unsteady State Scale Formation in a Spiral-Wound Membrane Module with Channel Spacers, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2005, Cincinnati, OH.
- Uchymiak, M., E. Lyster, A. Rahardianto, J. Glater, Y. Cohen, A Novel Ex-Situ Scale Observation Detector (Exsod) for Mineral Scale Characterization and Online Ro Process Monitoring, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2005, Cincinnati, OH .
- Rahardianto, A., S. Rezvani, and Y. Cohen, High recovery desalination of agricultural drainage water: integration of accelerated chemical precipitation with RO membrane desalination, AIChE Annual Meeting, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2005, Cincinnati, OH.
- Rahardianto, A., Y. Cohen, and M.D. Williams, Enhanced water recovery from primary membrane desalination concentrate by precipitative softening and secondary membrane desalination, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 7-12, 2004, Austin, TX.
- Cohen, Y., A. Rahardianto, R-W Lee, W-Y Shih, J. Glater, J. Gao and M.D. Williams, Membrane desalination of high salinity surface and agricultural drainage waters – mineral salt scale formation and control, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-21, 2003, San Francisco, CA.